The proper raw material

The lack of standardization leads to the vast presence of poor-quality humic substance products on the market, which eventually discredit the whole sector of humic substances products.

Fibric peat, plants, and lignosulfonates are commonly-used raw materials of humic substance preparations. However, they consist of more than 50% non-humic organic matter; humic substances in these materials have not fully formed yet. Other manufacturers use lignite (leonardite) raw materials, which, despite relatively high levels of humic substances, have a low index of carboxyl (-COOH) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups. These are the functional chemical compounds of humic substances, which determine transportation and sorption capacity, thus the products efficiency.

The PEAT BASED Group uses exclusively high-quality raw materials in its production: lowland sapric peat.

Sapric peat consists of more than 90% humic organic matter. The presence of carboxyl (-COOH) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups is 1.5 - 2 times higher than in coal (leonardite). Correspondingly, the transportation and sorption capacity of sapric peat preparations are significantly higher.

Additionally, lowland peat is rich in natural fulvic acids (> 10% according to ISO19822), macronutrients (nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, magnesium), and micronutrients (iron, manganese, zinc, copper, bromine) in an accessible for uptake form.

The gentle technology

Currently, existing manufacturing technologies of dry water-soluble humic preparations imply aggressive methods of extraction, processing, and drying of the material, which correspondingly results in reduced cost and quality. Humic acids are fragile polydisperse structures, which may be destructured to aromatic carboxylic acids. The reaction spectrum of aromatic carboxylic groups is significantly lower than that of humic acids. Thus adsorption, ion exchange rate, and transportability (macro and micronutrients) are substantially decreased.

The PEAT BASED company's focus is to preserve the molecular structures of humic substances during production. A gentle manufacturing technology implies reduced temperature (below 70 ℃) and pH values     (below 12), and high hydronic modulus (97% water), resulting in higher net-prices and premium quality products.

With compliance to these indicators, the natural concentration of soluble humic substances in the solution cannot exceed 3%. A higher concentration indicates that non-humic organic matter is present due to low-quality raw materials or incorrect technology that destructs humic substances to non-humic organic matter (aromatic carboxylic acids).

Respectively to the gentle manufacturing technology, evaporation uptakes a large amount of energy. The PEAT BASED company possesses self-established bio-energy facilities, allowing the company to produce premium-quality products at pertinent prices.

Unique properties of humic and fulvic acids in each field of application
We regularly get positive reviews from our partners worldwide.
Trouw nutrition
Replacing antibiotics with humic and fulvic acids as growth promoter in animal feed does not cause any loss in the performance of animals. On the contrary, performance factors (daily liveweight gain, feed intake and food conversion ratio) of animals are considerably improved.

Tests have shown that the use of humic and fulvic acids as animal feed supplement leads to increased milk production and increased butterfat percentage in dairy cows. Using humic and fulvic acids also resulted in improved feed efficiency, decreased feed costs, reduced fly population and reduced costs for insect control.
Using peat-based potassium humate along with cutting the immature flowers from the sunchoke plants increased the enzymes activities compared to those plants left with flowers until harvesting their tubers. Moreover, using potassium humate plus only 50% of NPK and removal of immature flowers showed the best desirable characteristics comparing to using the full dose of NPK separately. The use of potassium humate as organic fertilizer is recommended to replace partially chemical fertilizer.
Humic and fulvic acids stabilize the intestinal flora and thus ensures an improved utilization of nutrients in animal feed (improved feed efficiency). This leads to an increase in liveweight of the animal without increasing the amount of feed given to the animal.
Development and prospects
Company forecast

The PEAT BASED Company's priorities are to provide customers with the highest quality environmentally friendly products and focus on building mutually beneficial business relationships.

The company plans to annually expand production capacities, increase international market presence, and improve the global knowledge behind humic acid use in agriculture, livestock and nutrition industries.

Direct access to overseas consumers

With vast marketing opportunities, the PEAT BASED Group reaches consumers around the world. Our goal is to inform the people in all relevant markets of the unique properties of peat products.

The company currently controls several sales offices in Europe, Russia, Asia, and North America. Presence at domestic markets allows us to maintain direct contact with end-users and quickly react to demand changes.

Strategic peat reserves

The company operates within a vertically integrated business model consolidating all processes, from raw material extraction to finished product logistics.

Deposit stocks of peat owned by the PEAT BASED Company have an estimated value of 8 million metric tons, which is enough for at least 80 years of manufacturing.

Lower cost and higher quality are the company's competitive advantages achieved due to the strict control of every production step. Compared to similar products on the market, our preparations demonstrate 1.5-2 times lower prices, letting our partners have a higher markup.

Long-term investing

The PEAT BASED Company regularly invests in the development and popularization of humic substances in the pharmaceutical industry. Numerous studies prove that humic substances are highly efficient antioxidants and biologically active adsorbents (scavengers) of free radicals. Unique humic properties allow to absorb and remove harmful toxins existing in your body. Studies currently conducted by world-leading research institutions prove the effectiveness of humic substances even in cancer treatment.

The main goal of our company is to make our products available to all customers worldwide.
Company structure

PEAT BASED LLC headquarters, located in New Jersey (USA), control companies ECO-WOOD SK s.r.o. in Bratislava (Slovakia), and SUDISLAVL-TURF LLC in Kostroma (Russia).

High qualified R&D departments present at all locations allow the PEAT BASED Company to release specific product formulations for contract manufacturing in a short time upon request.

We are proud of the company's long years of cooperation with one of the leading experts in the industry, the Motzz Laboratory, Inc." in Arizona (USA). This institute tests every product batch according to the ISO 19822:2018/HPTA method and guaranteeing the highest product quality to our customers.

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